Yarn Me Calm Community

Yarn Me Calm Community

We have the most amazing group on Facebook called Yarn Me Calm (YMC) Community.  Many of the people in the group epitomise the values and ethos of Yarn Me Calm on a daily basis, they are constantly giving back to their community and so many of them use yarn to do this!

As part of the group I pop up a give away every month with a relatively random prize and the only requirement is participation!  For February 2019 the following was asked of YMC Community members:

List some ideas on how yarn can be used for good.....

What are you doing, or what can you do?

If you're not currently doing something, that's ok! We'd love to hear some ideas!

How do we use yarn to support others? Is it via community get togethers, making for charities etc.

Their responses are below with links (where possible), please note that I have not included their names as I was wanting to ensure their privacy (feel free to identify yourself if you like!).  


  • YMC supports KOGO (knit one give one).
  • I use yarn at my mother's church craft group they use all types of yarn for all kinds of craft, they sell the products on a table and that money goes to the church restoration, the bigger products like blankets are raffled for charities of all kinds but mainly for the local cancer treatment cottage, which I have donated some of my crocheted blankets for them, we also help some of the aged care facilities. 
  • I decided to answer this one from discussions I have had with my four year old. Yarn keeps my baby doll warm when she is in bed cause she gets cold. Yarn is also good to tie to things so I don't get lost. I use yarn to crochet (she ties knots in yarn as her version of crochet) and also as a pillow for my baby doll. I like to play with yarn because it's pretty and feels nice. I take my mums yarn from her stash so she has space to put it in when she buys more yarn.
  • The amazing Gumleaf Crochet is currently collecting 8 inch granny squares to make blankets to support the Burrumbuttock Hay Runners. I am currently making up some squares to contribute to this phenomenal cause that Gumleaf Crochet is championing.  
  • As a matter a fact I’m starting at our local library to teach anybody who wants to drop in on Mondays. I just want to be available for whoever, and it’s a great opportunity to give back. Looking forward to it too.
  • Well.... I use yarn for snuggle rugs for the RSPCA and a local cat rescue so the Pawphans can be cosy. My shorter balls go to a friend who makes twiddle muffs for dementia patients. I also try each year to make, or at least donate yarn, for the Guardian Pharmacy projects (beanies, scarves, etc). I support the Oncology Clinic where my brother works, with beanies/scarves for the patients, or I'll send in some yarn as there are needles and hooks available for patients or relatives to use. Don't think I've actually made or kept anything for myself for quite a while, planning on this year do just that with some nice yarn from Yarn Me Calm.




  • I haven’t used yarn yet to donate or help community. But I have been part of a group of gourmet crafters who made a few quilt as you go quilts. Loved doing that. You may ask why we called ourselves Gourmet Crafters. Cause we did more eating at our get togethers than craft.
  • Yarn can bring back a persons memory, my mum has dementia, she hasn’t crocheted in more years than I can remember, she spent 4 months in hospital from a fractured femur, since coming home I gave her some yarn and a hook, amazing she started crocheting again, she’s turning out so many little blankets, we’ve decided we’d donate them to a dog and cat rescue centre.
    This is what I think has helped my mum contribute to the community (animal).
  • Lamb jumpers for our farmers ( the little lambs have been having such a hard time ) . You can get patterns for them in knit but am yet to see a crochet one ( may be some way to convert the knitted pattern or a dogs jumper to fit them). As always the dog shelter blankets are a much needed item all year round.



  • I knit and crochet toys and beanies. The toys are for foster children and those in domestic violence situations. All my left over bits are turned into what I call Bista Beanies, these go to Alice Springs and are given to many different people from kidney dialysis to domestic violence situations to children in need.
  • At the moment I am participating in the Burrumbuttock Hay Runners project!
  • I’m currently crocheting a mandala madness blanket and every day it is helping to keep me calm and mindful amidst a sea of difficult life changing problems. Yarn is such a wonderful medium to work with: a mental health gift to share đŸ€—. Every week a group of us get together and knit and crochet. Sometimes it’s trauma bears. Sometimes gifts for grandchildren or great grandchildren or a blanket for the homeless or a toy to cuddle. The real joy comes in showing someone how to knit or crochet. A real lifelong gift and for me a lifelong memory of my darling mother xx
  • I use yarn to knit jackets, hats & booties for premature & new borns at a children's hospital, these can be taken home with & sometimes (sadly) without the baby😕.  I help the environment too by knitting cotton washcloths for my family.
  • A golfing acquaintance had breast cancer and a mastectomy. She went through the usual round of radiation treatment after which she was fitted with a prosthetic Breast. She found this most uncomfortable and the most upsetting aspect of her treatment. I had heard of knitted knockers, so sourced a pattern and knitted her one. She was absolutely delighted, it was a life-changer for her. She let other people know and I have since knitted them for other golf club friends. No charge. It is reward enough to see big smiles where once there was discomfort.




  • I have done a lot of knitted squares for blankets for women who escape violent relationships. I am also crocheting blankets for our great grandkids, I'm onto the last one. Then I have to do borders on four of them. Maybe then I might do something for myself.
  • I remember a little while ago (really means years ago) I heard or read somewhere about the little (can’t call them fairy anymore) penguins and how there was a call to make them little jumpers...maybe because of some spill in the ocean or something... I still have the pattern and I keep regular watch on national geographic for more “animal projects” to help save species that have been hurt either by human stupidity or just natural causes. đŸŒč
  • I am making breasts after one of my clients at work had a mastectomy. She likes to wash them after each day so need to have a few if they don’t dry due to wet weather. I am also making baby shawls for 2 different people. So keeping myself busy with work and handiwork for others.


We had some amazing responses from the most inspiring people that are caring, giving, supportive and loving.  I am extremely lucky and grateful to each of these phenomenal human beings for allowing me to be part of their lives.

If you have any additional ideas please don't hesitate to leave a message so I can add them!


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1 comment

Hi Andrea
I’m finishing my third blanke to go to hay bale runners auction.
I’m crochet for the neonatal clinic at the Gold Coast University Hospital and I crochet for the homeless who get a meal on a Monday night on the Gold Coast.
Earlier this year I made beanies for a friend in Texas who walks around and talks to the homeless and uses the beanies as an opening to start the chat.
In fact – I dislike crochet items and have only kept the first atlanticus blanket I made. At some point I will need to donate it because it’s not doing anything in our home – I just haven’t got to that point yet. Bottom line is that I love to help people and crocheting helps me with depression and anxiety.
I love seeing all the things that people do with the knitting and crocheting.


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